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Wijchen appeal meets with response: Residents with problems solar panels report

This post is an article from the Gelderlander, written by Irma van Teunenbroek | battery solar panels

WIJCHEN – Report it to us if your solar panels fail due to an overloaded electricity grid. That call was made by the city council of Wijchen to its residents at the end of May. 77 responses have been received so far, and the counter is still running. ‘Battery solar panels’. That is a term that would offer an excellent option to most Wijchen residents to solve the major problem surrounding solar panels.

The Wijchen city council decided to make the call partly after a visit by councillor Bea Schouten in early May to the Lingert, a neighbourhood in Wijchen-Zuid where several residents suffer from failing solar panels. They invited the alderman to drop by and hear their story.

They are not the only ones in Wijchen. There is also no room on the grid for the power of many other residents with solar panels. The cables are full, the solar panels regularly switch off automatically. Then there is no more power to be generated, let alone fed back to the grid, and the energy meter is less likely to reach zero. And this at a time when energy is extremely expensive.

Some neighbourhoods more troubled than others

During her visit, the councillor was surprised by the number of De Lingert residents waiting for her. She had no idea of the magnitude of the problem. The responses to the appeal changed this. Sjef Michels, who deals with energy and sustainability within the Wijchen city council, accompanied Schouten in May. “We are seeing a number of clusters, neighbourhoods where several houses are suffering from failing solar panels. De Lingert, part of Saltshof, the 33rd street,” Michels said. He is in regular contact with Liander about grid capacity in Wijchen and the expansion of cables and distribution stations, among other things. ,,There are about 130 connections on a cable. If you sit at the beginning, you won’t have any trouble yet; if you sit further down, you may have trouble. Battery solar panels provide storage for the power you have left over, so you can reuse it at a later point. Curious about battery solar panels? Explore them in the shop. New brands such as BlauHoff also offer many high-quality battery solar panels equipped with the latest technology.

It is increasingly common these days, storing solar energy. Fortunately, you can do this simply with your own solar panels. Many Wijchen residents already do this, but do not yet use battery solar panels. As a result, there is a chance that the power unfortunately goes to waste, when it could have been stored for later. This is why, fortunately, Wijchen residents are increasingly seeing a solution in a home battery.

“There are about 130 connections on a cable. If you sit at the beginning, you won’t be bothered, if you sit further down you might have trouble”

Sjef Michels, City Council of Wijchen

Schouten also promised in May to contact grid operator Liander and put pressure on it to bring forward network expansions in and around Wijchen. That seems to be working. The city council is asking residents to communicate their problem not only to it, but also to Liander. Michels: “This way Liander also gets a better picture of the local situation in Wijchen.” They have already started work in the De Weertjes neighbourhood, he knows. “De Lingert is scheduled in the third or fourth quarter and the 33rd street in week 45, I think.” These are locations where cables are being extended.

Michels, meanwhile, does not rule out the deployment of neighbourhood batteries, which the Wijchen city council was previously somewhat reluctant to do. “You could put one on a cable in the neighbourhood. We will look into that in consultation with Liander. It is very important to keep residents informed of developments.”

To store energy from solar panels, devices like a solar panel battery, or ‘battery solar panels’, are ideal. They allow you to store your own power from solar panels so that you can later reuse the excess, stored power at a time that suits you best. Think, for example, of a situation when the power suddenly goes out, or when the solar panels have stored little energy. In the long run, such a battery for solar panels ensures that you save energy costs, because no more power is lost. Also, you are the a battery for solar panels sustainable and more independent from the grid than before. Are you curious about different home batteries for solar panels and inverters? Then take a look at the huge range in our shop. Here you will also find, among others, complete sets from the new brand BlauHoff.